
Proeducacion I.A.P

Proeducación IAP is a private non governmental organization, founded in 1997 with the miswsion to contribute  and improve  the quality of education recieved by boys and girls in public elemenary schools throughout Mexico. In Proeducación we believe in the integral strengthening of the public elementary school through our own " Integral School Strengthening Model" (MEI) which was designed by us to accompany each elementary school we work with.

Proeducacion actually benefits 92 public schools in 9 states of the Mexican Republic, benefiting more than 29,068 individuals (22,940 children, 1,256 teachers, and 4,872 parents). 

Our Integral School Model. provides public elementary school students with access to quality education. With this model we hope to achieve changes in school culture, the school community, in relationship and interaction processes between the members of the school community. in the environment and physical condition of each school that we accompany.

All MEI activities are organized in 8 lines of action. These lines of action are offered in accordance with each school´s needs. They are: Permanent learning; Reading Enhancement ( if the school dos not have a library we build one); Technological strengthening (if the school doesn´t have a computer lab, we provide one);  Participation and citizenship, Prevention and Human Development; Wellbeing and Nutrition; Environment; Volunteering.

Our initial Cycle with each school we undertake is called "Accompanyment Cycle" it is a cornerstone in our model, through a continuous 6 year term our field staff (coordinators and advisers) visit the school once a week and then coordinate the activities corresonding to each line of action. These workshops, courses and activities are implemented by specialists in each subject hired by proeducacion to impart their projects in each line of action. Each line of action has several different projects which are imparted by different specialists. Courses, conferences and workshops are directed to the whole school community ( Teachers, students, school Directors and Parents).

We also have an evaluation process for our MEI Model in which we defined the attributes that describe hown we see the different  school components that help us improve the quality of education in each school. We evaluate students, school directors, teachers, parents, achool communities and school facilities. Through these attributes we construct the indicators and the instruments that we apply in our representative model for our evaluation process. Year after year we compare results to measure advances, achievements and challenges. The reports for eah school year are made in the months of july and august.



